Tuesday 24 May 2016

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars is a 2014 American Romantic Drama, directed by Josh Boone and based in a novel by John Green. The music was composed by Nate Walcott and Mike Mogis, and there are also songs of famous musicians like Ed Sheeran, Birdy, Charlie XCX...The main actors are; Shailene Woodley as Hazel Grace Lancaster, Ansel Elgort as Augustus Waters, Nat Wolff as Isaac, Laura Dern as Hazel mum, Sam Trammel as Hazel dad, Willem Dafoe as Peter van Houten, Lotte Verbeek as Lidewij and Mike Birbigilia as Patrick.

The action takes place in Indiana, US and Amsterdam, NE, the time of the film is the Present Time and the story is told in chronological order. The main characters are between 16 and 18 years old, and they aren’t so rich.

Physical description of principal characters:
Hazel: Is a slim middle-height girl with brown short hair with so small freckles in the face. 16 to 17 years old
Augustus: Is a slim tall boy with brown short hair too with a freckle in the face. 18 years old.
Phsychological description of principal characters:
Hazel: She’s a bit dramatic and she is a also a bit depressed. The cause: cancer.
Augustus: He is optimistic and he transmits her happiness to people.

Messaje of the film: life can be difficult but you have to look favorably.

Personal opinion: I recommend to anyone to watch it. It’s a very good film.

Júlia Porta